Epidemiologycal analysis of the prostate diseases (prostatitis, benign prostatic enlargement and carcinoma) in two canton in Herzegovina

J.Baranik, I.Gilja ,D.Tomić, D.Zalihić,M.Kordić,M. Tipurić,V.Bekavac, M.Ignatkov, K.Pavlović,

Klinika za urologiju SKB Mostar,F BiH


Objective: The objective of the thesis is to determine the epidemiological parameters of prostate diseases (prostatitis, adenoma and carcinoma) in the Herzegovina-Neretva County and West Herzegovina County. In the period 2008 – 2012, the investigation was carried out identifying the incidence of prostate diseases, trends of incidence of new cases, possible differences in the incidence of diseases in these two counties, compared with the regional situation. Also, the thesis will establish baseline data for further research of prostate disease in this region.

Methods: A retrospective investigation was undertaken that included all patients living in the WHC and HNC with diagnosed prostatitis, adenoma or carcinoma of the prostate in the period 2008- 2012. According to the disease they suffer from, the patients were divided into three groups. The cases of prostatitis and adenoma were analyzed in a sample of 60 patients each, while all 313 patients with prostate cancer were encompassed by the investigation.

Results: For the period 2008-2012, in the HNC and WHC new cases were diagnosed: 1851 patients suffering from prostatitis, 5377 suffering from adenoma and 313 suffering from prostate cancer. The average age of patients with cancer was 71.2 years and in two samples including 60 patients with adenoma and prostatitis, the average age amounted to 69.2 and 51.4 years respectively. The difference between numbers of patients in the counties is proportional to the ratio of the total number of inhabitant. Numbers of patients according to their ethnicity also reflect population structure. In all three groups of patients, a higher incidence of disease was diagnosed with people living in cities than in villages, but the differences were statistically irrelevant. Within the period of five years, 74 patients had radical surgery for the reason of CAP and 125 patients had orhiectomia. Transvesical prostatectomy had 193 patients and transurethral resection of the prostate had 220, with the trend of growth of total number of surgeries.

Conclusion: The investigation showed an increased number of patients suffering from all prostate diseases within the period of study. The tendency is mostly evident in CAP whose incidence rate increased from 28.4 new cases per 100,000 men in 2008 to 61.5 new cases per 100,000 men in 2012, that is significantly higher than the rate in FBH.